Trips for Senior Citizens IMSERSO

The Spanish Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad - Ministry for Social Services, Health Services and Equality - organize lots of group trips for retired people.
These group trips are really popular among senior citizens because they are partly subsidised by the Spanish government.  This program is called IMSERSO

By subsidizing these trips the government help tourist hotels and resorts when there are no tourist visits in Spain, the hotels remain open all year and people, waiters, cleaners, receptionists, guides and so on, can maintain their jobs all year long. That explains why these trips are carried out during low season and why they have really low prices.

They have been carrying out these programs for many years and this kind of trip have become very popular.

A meal on the way to Valencia
Activities for the week

Last year we joined one of the groups, with about fifty people,  and we spent a week in Valencia. 
The price was reasonable and it included full boarding, coach trips and all kinds of cultural visits to the city of Valencia and to some towns and interesting sites in the area.

We were really satisfied with this experience and  are even thinking of joining this program in another occasion. 
Just a few examples of our activities in Valencia. 
Paella, obviously!

And oranges!!

Science Museum  Valencia
Pottery Museum in Onda - Castellon

The group and our guide- Ruins of Onda Castle

Valencia - Ciudad de las Ciencias y las Artes
Albulfera - Valencia

Our guide on a boat trip

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